
The following are just some of the areas treatable for women, but is not an exhaustive list.

  • Endometriosis

  • Vulvadinia

  • Varicosals

  • postural problems due to pregnancy (Coccydinia, Pelvic discomfort, Symphysis Pubis DIsorder)

  • Preparation for Birth

  • Post-Partum - Traumatic Birth, C-Section Scar repair, Postural problems related to breastfeeding, latch issues for mum, 6 week check-up.

Osteopathic treatment is non-invasive and aimed at improving mobility and/or reducing inflammation by using gentle osteopathic techniques on joints, muscles, ligaments, and other tissues. I use my hands to palpate the soft tissues and joint mobility, and also for treatment. This may involve stretching tissues and tendons or using articulatory movements and sometimes manipulation to the joints if needed For all conditions , it's firstly important for me to understand the patient in front of me before deciding how to treat. Sometimes what works for one patient will not be beneficial for another. There are a huge range of techniques I can choose to use that are suitable for nearly all conditions, but sometimes things like head pain, anxiety or even digestive issues will need a more specific technique approach. And with babies and children, usually the more subtle effects of cranial, or very gentle tissue-release techniques are what are needed to have an effective result.