Hi, my name is Zoe and I am an Osteopath
For the Kids
To save you some time just listen here
I know, I know, It’s a super weird word, but it means I know how to understand your body(from your head to your toes and everything in between), and if something hurts or is getting in the way of you playing with your friends then I went to a special medical school for a long time to understand how to treat things that cause pain and other annoying stuff (or stop you playing with your friends). As an Osteopath I learnt a very special way to use my hands and fingers to listen to everything going on in your body, kind of like having super-powered-teeny-tiny-ears on my fingers!
Imagine your body is a television and has a remote control, and your television is playing lots of different channels all at the same time
Channel 1 & Remote control – Is your brain
Channel 2 – how all the blood goes around your body
Channel 3 – how your muscles and and other bits move
Channel 4 – how your bones are working
And so on…….and your body has a LOOOOOOOOOT of television channels, which is really normal, but sometimes one of the tv channels will be a bit too noisy, or won’t show all the colours of the tv show properly, or sometimes the remote control even refuses to play the right show at all.
So my hands are trained to listen to all the noises all the channels are making, and to listen to the one that is making the biggest noise or not playing the show you like watching the way it should, and I help the remote control turn down the volume and either make it start working better or sometimes just even stronger. When you come to me, we have a little meeting called treatment time. Mum or Dad (or both) can be with you all the time. I will ask them some questions about when you were growing in Mummy’s tummy, when you were born, and how you have been feeling, as sometimes they remember a few more things than you do, but sometimes (shh don’t tell them) mum and dad don’t know everything, so I will ask you how you are feeling too. I might even ask you to draw me a little picture too ☺
I have a special table - kind of like a bed - in my room that you can lie down on, with a nice pillow. I ask you if it’s okay to put my hands on your head, your back, your arms and legs, if need to, for me to listen to the different tv channels and then I will ask you to lie down. You can watch a little show, and talk to us if you want or just close your eyes and think about the things you like to do.
A treatment can mean lots of things; Either I will have my hands very gently on your head for a while listening to your brain tv (which, by the way, can be super noisy), or I might need to put my hands on your chest and back to listen to heart and breathing tv to see what is playing there and maybe just gently keep my hands there until the channel starts working the way we want it to.
I might need to wriggle your arms and legs a bit to help them help the rest of your body work in the most awesomeness of ways, and sometimes I might need to put my hands on your tummy and walk my fingers over your tummy – kinda like when a cat or dog wants to put its paws on a pillow to get comfy.
If something hurts, tell me or mum and dad. Sometimes you are coming to me because something hurts, so yes its annoying having someone touching the place that hurts but it’s kind of the only way to make sure this really is the place that is causing a problem and to feel what is going on there
- to help to take the pain away a bit to make you feel more comfortable.
Just to say, not all kids come because of something that hurts; sometimes it might be because your head is feeling a bit fuzzy when you are trying to concentrate at school, or maybe mummy or your teacher noticed you aren’t hearing the same way as the other kids, speaking the same way as some of the other kids – but super important to remember that everyone is unique and has their way of hearing, speaking and thinking!! Sometimes there is no problem but it’s good to check how everything is playing ☺
You might feel like you are breathing tight in your chest ( and if doc says it is okay for me to help you, then I am ready to help), you might have something going on that you had from when you were growing in mummy’s tummy that needs a little bit of support once or twice a month. It might also be that I met you when you while you were still growing in mummy’s tummy, and after you were born you had a check up to see how the tv channels are working and now you just come in once a month to make sure the remote control and all its buttons are working the way they should do. I will only ever do what you give me permission to do and I want you to feel comfortable so I look forward to when we will be meeting and I look forward to seeing how you and your television works!
I’m gonna go watch some Ninjago now, so see you soon!
This material is owned and copyrighted by Zoe Merkazy, and under no circumstances can be used by other persons without express permission from the author. Date of content written 1/10/2019 ©
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